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Squash Soup


Home: Welcome


Hi, I'm Shayla! Welcome to In The Kitchen With Shay.

What is it that feeds your mind, body, and soul? For me, it's being in the kitchen. I love cooking and eating healthy, clean, and delicious foods. In all honestly, I used to have a terrible relationship with food. I loved eating, but hated how I would feel after I ate. It brought a lot of self hate. Everything is a work in progress, but I have learned how to find balance, how to read ingredients, and how eating clean truly makes you the best self you can be. And that has become my passion, what feeds me, what feeds others, and sharing all of my recipes with you. I am proud of the chef I have become and the knowledge I have gained.

In The Kitchen With Shay is truly my own little passion project, gaining more and more traction each day. I hope you enjoy browsing my recipes and all of the easy, quick, delicious meal inspiration I have to offer. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover what you're making for your next meal. Read on, cook, and enjoy! 

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